Small-group cooking class in the centre of Rome to prepare typical Italian dishes

Small-group cooking class in the centre of Rome to prepare typical Italian dishes

3 h
Food, Wine & nightlife
difficulty Easy
Wheelchair Not Accessible
Best reviews
3 reviews

Bellissima esperienza. La consiglio a tutti.

Anna M S

Cooking Lesson in Rome to make easy Italian recipes: Pasta and Tiramisu

Take part in this amazing activity in Rome, a cooking class in Rome that will teach you the basics on cooking the most famous and delicious Italian recipes. The cooking lesson will take place in the center of Rome and offers you the unique chance to cook the Italian style.

Cooking Class in the Center of Rome to Prepare Traditional Italian Recipes highlights: 

  • Learn to cook like an Italian chef with this cooking class in Rome
  • Excellent location of the cooking school in the city centre of Rome
  • Learn to cook from professional chefs and recreate the recipes at home
  • Cook one of the most delicious Italian dish and taste your creation
  • Enjoy this small-group cooking class with professional Italian chefs!

Cooking Class in the Center of Rome to Prepare Traditional Italian Recipes

Visiting Italy is a great opportunity to be amazed by the magnificent cultural heritage and stunning nature, practically each region and city of Italy having its own specific charm.

Live your experience in Rome at the fullest

Italy is known for many other things, including the famous Italian fashion, but also the prestigious Italian cuisine. Walking on the streets of Rome and trying all the different delicious specialties, many certainly wish they knew how to cook them, especially the various types of pasta.
Among the various enticing activities in Rome, learning to cook like a veritable Italian chef is certainly among the most desired. Now you can certainly do so with this attractive small-group cooking class in a real cooking school of Rome.

Attend our cooking class in a central and fascinating location

You will have the chance to take a part of Rome home and surprise your loved ones with delicious Italian recipes, but also to spend some quality time in a very friendly environment while in Rome, taking a break from visiting the attractions of the eternal city.
The cooking school in the centre of Rome will welcome everyone who wishes to learn how to cook the Italian style, having a dedicated program that will allow maximum knowledge and practice. The location is extremely close the centre of Rome, with a street level structure especially designed to welcome at maximum 16 people in an unforgettable cooking class in Rome. You will learn to cook Italian recipes, but also have the chance to taste everything.

Learn Italian recipes and surprise your friends

The courses are held by a professional chef who combines a passion for cooking with the skills of public speaking, management of a working group and the perfect knowledge of English language.
During this unique Rome eXPerience, you will learn to cook one typical Italian dish and the homemade tiramisùLearn to cook in Rome and make precious memories while visiting this magnificent city.

Other Food & Wine eXPeriences in Rome

We also suggest you the Cooking Class in the Heart of Trastevere, amazing location, in Rome, the Enogastronomic tour: Food and Wine Tasting in the Centre of Rome and the Enogastronomic tour with Wine Tasting in the Centre of Rome.

Reviews of Small-group cooking class in the centre of Rome to prepare typical Italian dishes

Reviewed by Federico M from Italy

Esperienza fantastica

Ho partecipato ad un corso di cucina di 4 ore dedicato alla vigilia di Natale e sono rimasto colpito da 3 cose: la ricercatezza del menù proposto , la professionalità dello staff e la pulizia del posto. Il menù , creato dallo chef, era composto da: cappuccino" di crema di patate e ceci con mazzancolle marinate; riso nero Venere con tempura di tonno fresco e cristallo di burro alle spezie ; salmone agrumato al forno (si scioglieva in bocca) con verdure agrodolci croccanti(pazzesche) e per finire tortino di pandoro con ganache di ciocc bianco e grand marnier con gelatina di fr. di bosco. La cosa incredibile che mi ha stupito è la facilità di preparazione di piatti all'apparenza così "elaborati" ma che poi, sviscerati e preparati passo passo accanto allo chef , sono risultati semplici e divertenti. Staff fantastico e ambiente pulito e spazioso (16 postazioni per cucinare!!!) hanno contribuito al resto. Quasi dimenticavo, un valore aggiunto considerevole a tutta l'esperienza lo da il fatto che nella quota del corso è incluso cappello, grembiule e canovaccio da cuoco (TE LI PORTI A CASA) !! Da non sottovalutare visto che in altri corsi brevi di cucina questo non accade. Consigliato vivamente a tutti.
Reviewed by Vincent B from United States

Excellent individual cooking experience

Like going to a real cooking school. Easy bus-metro access just off square with San Giovanni in Laterano so the class can be combined with a visit to complete the day. Different experience. This is a new business in a purpose constructed new, ground floor space. There are sixteen bright new individual stations-every person has their own 4 burner modern induction cooking surface complete with sink, pots , pans and utensils. Everyone prepares and cooks everything themselves with gentle, knowledgeable, helpful guidance from Matteo- an engaging young Roman. Myself, who knows how to cook and my sister from Germany who is lost in the kitchen, were both made comfortable and Matteo was very patient with her. After class both a full set of pictures taken by an assistant and recipes are sent by email. We were the only two people there on a Sat but they gave us the full experience. This is the only class where you get to really prepare the entire 3 course meal by yourself. No pasta since I had asked for egg plant Parmesan-which Matteo helped us make exactly the way my Sicilian grandmother used to do. It was delicious. There was also a rolled veal dish with Parma ham and we made two each. Best main course I had in Rome with all the meat I wanted. There was enough ingredients so we each made two 4'x4" baking dishes of the eggplant .I was full after the meat dish and tasting the eggplant so they boxed them up with our desert to take home. On arrival we had espresso and a sweet and shared a split of Pro Secco-all we wanted to drink at 10AM A bottle of decent white was served with lunch which you eat at your station. This is a class not a party. Cost is 100E's but you are greeted with a chef's hat, hand towel and apron which you get to take home. Good quality souvenirs. Modern clean on site restroom. Plenty of room. No skimping on quantity or quality of ingredients. A bit more expensive than the others but for me a worth while experience.
Reviewed by Anna M S from Italy

Ma che si sono inventati ! Fantastico !

Che dire... quando ho detto ai miei amici che da italiana sarai andata a fare un corso per imparare a cucinare la pasta mi hanno preso un po' in giro, mi hanno detto che era per stranieri... ma dopo il corso l'invito a cena è stato diretto... e si sono leccati i baffi! Me la sono sempre cavata in cucina ma ora ho capito veramente come valorizzare i sapori. L'ho fatto con il mio compagno e ora ogni tanto cucina anche lui e devo ammettere che si è riscoperto un cuoco niente male. Lei si è specializzato sulla carbonara... ma la mia amatriciana ora è da leccarsi i baffi! A parte questo è un'esperienza che ti fa vivere pienamente Roma e anche le sue tradizioni culinarie. E' in piano centro, su strada, con la basilica di San Giovanni alle spalle... Un'unione di storia e tradizione! L'ambiente è bello e specialmente molto pulito! Lo chef simpaticissimo e disponibile oltre che paziente...l'ho tempestato di domande! Bellissima esperienza. La consiglio a tutti.