Guided Tour of the Cemetery of the Fontanelle in Naples

Guided Tour of the Cemetery of the Fontanelle in Naples

3 h
Walking Tours
difficulty Very easy
Wheelchair Not Accessible

Scopri l'autentica Napoli con il nostro tour del quartiere di Totò, il Principe del Rione Sanità

Get ready to explore one of the most fascinating and scary places in all Naples: the Cemetery of the Fontanelle. This walking guided tour will take you to discover the picturesque Sanità district (where the great actor Totò was born) and the underground cemetery, full of mysteries to be discovered.


  • Do not miss this guided tour of the fascinating Cemetery of the Fontanelle
  • Explore the narrow alleys and streets of the characteristic Sanità district
  • Immerse yourself in the history, the folk tales and the mysteries of Naples
  • Enter in the underground tunnels, full of small sanctuaries, skulls and bones
  • Discover hidden corners of Naples that most tourists miss

Tour Guidato del Cimitero delle Fontanelle diNapoli

This guided walking tour will take you to discover a mysterious burial ground, known as the Cemetery of the Fontanelle. This is considered the largest “human archive” of the city, and as you explore its tunnels with you accredited guide, you will learn about ancient burial rituals and the close relationship of the Neapolitan people with death.

A guided tour of the Sanità district and the Fontanelle Cemetery

The guided walking tour will begin meeting your friendly expert guide who will take you immediately to the discovery of one of the richest districts in Naples in history and art, the Sanità-Vergini area: picturesque and steeped in traditions, this district is famous for being the birthplace of the Prince Antonio De Curtis, better-known as the actor Totò.
You'll discover the nuances of Naples that most tourists ignore... The most secret and hidden corners of the district. And after the walk under the sun, you will go in the underground city, to find a place full of esoteric charm: the Cemetery of the Fontanelle.

A two-hours walk to discover the secret places of Naples

The Cemetery of the Fontanelle is certainly one of the most charming and mysterious places in the city of Naples. In its underground tunnels excavated into the rock of the Materdei Hill, you will see the remains of the victims of social revolts, famines, earthquakes, eruptions of Vesuvius and epidemics.
Exploring the Cemetery of the Fontanelle, named like this because of the presence of water sources in ancient times, you can see mounds of skulls, crosses of bones, and tombs with skeletons.

Explore the Cemetery of the Fontanelle with a tour-guide

Your experienced guide will tell you how this place was the burial place for thousands of people that could not afford a decent burial. A necropolis that contains around 40,000 remains. You will learn about the cult of the pour souls, where the skulls were "adopted" and revered by devotees to receive in exchange graces and blessings.
This guided tour will be a real immersion in the mysteries and ancient burial traditions of Naples.