Tour privato dei sotterranei di Roma: Catacombe e Basilica di San Clemente

Tour privato dei sotterranei di Roma: Catacombe e Basilica di San Clemente

3 h
Tour a piedi
difficoltà Molto facile
A piedi
Non accessibile
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5 recensioni

My tour guide Serena was incredibly knowledgeable and a pleasure to be around

Katherine B.

Visita con guida privata della Roma sotterranea: Catacombe e Basilica di San Clemente

Entra nelle viscere più nascoste di Roma in questo Tour spettacolare alla scoperta delle Catacombe di Roma! Scopri i segreti, la vita e le avventure dei primi cristiani romani!

Visita privata delle Catacombe e della Basilica di San Clemente a Roma highlights: 

  • Scopri i luoghi più misteriosi e affascinanti della Roma Antica: le Catacombe!
  • Immergiti nella Roma che ancora non conosci: i segreti e i simboli dei primi cristiani a Roma
  • Fatti guidare dalle nostre guide esperte e lasciati coinvolgere in questo Tour inusuale
  • Catacombe di Priscilla, Basilica di San Clemente e Tempio di Mitra in un unico grande Tour
  • Entra nelle viscere più nascoste di Roma: scopri le magnifiche Catacombe romane!

Visita privata delle Catacombe e della Basilica di San Clemente a Roma

Esplorate il sottosuolo di Roma accompagnati dalla vostra Guida privata! Avrete la possibiltà di percorrere le tortuose gallerie sotterranee delle Catacombe di Priscilla, dove i cristiani vennero seppelliti.
Vi verrà svelato il significato dei primi simboli cristiani ed avrete modo di conoscere la vera vita, fatta di stenti e di lotte continue dei primi cristiani a Roma. Proseguite quindi, con la vostra Guida alla volta della Basilica di San Clemente, risalente al 12° Secolo e costruita sulle rovine di una Basilica del 4° Secolo.
Verrete poi, condotti ancora una volta nel sottosuolo di Roma per scoprire le vestigia ritrovate nella vecchia Basilica di San Clemente e continuerete la vostra discesa fino a raggiungere il Tempio di Mitra e una casa romana risalente al 1° secolo, proprio sotto la Basilica.

Altri tour fuori dall'ordinario a Roma!

Se conosci già Roma e vuoi provare qualche itinerario fuori dalle classiche rotte turistiche, ti consigliamo il nostro tour del Ghetto Ebraico, per visitare una delle zone più tipiche del centro di Roma, il nostro tour privato della Galleria Borghese, per ammirare i capolavori dei grandi maestri della storia dell'arte italiana, oppure il nostro tour privato di Ostia Antica, se preferisci allontanarti dal caos cittadino per visitare questo famoso sito archeologico a pochi chilometri dal centro.

Recensioni di Tour privato dei sotterranei di Roma: Catacombe e Basilica di San Clemente

Reviewed by Katherine B. from

The Domatilla Catacombs and San Clemente Basilica.

My tour guide Serena was incredibly knowledgeable and a pleasure to be around. She was able to define and magnify small details that told many interesting stories about the history and significance of what we were seeing. I would absolutely love to have her assistance on my next trip to Italy. She was also sweetly encouraging of my attempts to speak Italian and I was able to pick up quite a bit in the several hours we were together.
Reviewed by An ItalyXP customer from

San Clemente was amazing!

Luisa was a fabulous guide. We thoroughly enjoyed the catacombs and San Clemente.
Reviewed by Beverly B from United States

Off the beaten track in Rome

My husband and I visited Rome for one day (off a cruise ship), and wanted to spend the day visiting sites other than the usual, as we had been to Rome on other occasions. We contacted Katie, having used her once before and found her to be wonderful. She lived up to our high expectations, and took us to visit several sites, some of which we had never heard of, and was able through her extensive knowledge, and wonderful "storytelling" skills to make them come alive for us. It was truly wonderful - we learned a great deal, had a wonderful Roman lunch, never saw a crowd the whole day, and came away with a renewed enthusiasm for Rome!
Reviewed by Chris U from United States

Francesco is by far the BEST TOUR GUIDE IN ROME!!!!!

After we went on a tour of the catacombs with tour guide Francesco he went with us back to where we were staying and recommended several amazing places to eat and drink. We told him that we are into food and good wine and he then took us to a local store where we could get a bottle of wine and some cheese and bread to take to the terrace of our hotel. We didn't even know we had a terrace which had a whole view of the city until Francesco told us about it. We had so much fun and learned so much that day by just spending a couple hours with him that we booked him for a tour of the Colosseum. He showed up right on time again and began to take us on what I considered my favorite tour of Rome. It wasn't just the Colosseum, it was literally information on every fountain, every plant, every person, and so much history. It was above and beyond what we expected, Francesco was awesome. He was such a nice guy and also a surfer! Being from Southern California my wife and I felt like we had made an instant friend. Francesco has a place at our house if he ever decides to come visit and check out the surf in So Cal! Bravo and grazie mille!