Tour del Chianti en Fiat 500 de época con Degustación de Vinos

Tour del Chianti en Fiat 500 de época con Degustación de Vinos

4 h
Tours sobre "ruedas"
Semi Privado
dificultad Fácil
No Accesible con Silla de Ruedas
Las mejores reseñas
12 reseñas

The drive around Tuscany and the villa itself were breathtaking

Kate L

Conduce un Fiat 500 clásico en Chianti con degustación de vino

Disfruta el tour de degustación de vinos de Chiantiy la Toscana desde Florencia. Tendrás la oportunidad única de conducir un Fiat 500 de época y explorar la campiña de la Toscana, así como la oportunidad de disfrutar una sesión de degustación de vino Chianti.

Excursión del Chianti en Fiat 500 de época con Degustación de Vinos Lo más destacado: 

  • Explora los montes de Chianti con un tour en Fiat 500 desde Florencia
  • Conduce tu coche de época y descubre los fascinantes paisajes de la Toscana
  • Visita una impresionante villa Renacentista de la Toscana famosa por su producción vinícola
  • Conoce la tradición y el patrimonio de los productores de vino de Chianti
  • Disfruta de una sesión de degustación de vinos y una deliciosa comida con ingredientes naturales de la zona

Excursión del Chianti en Fiat 500 de época con Degustación de Vinos

Comienza tu aventura en Toscana con este exclusivo tour de degustación de vinos desde Florencia. Además, descubrirás la región a bordo de un coche de época el  Fiat 500, un símbolo del estilo clásico italiano.

Visita la Toscana bordo de un auténtico Fiat 500

Sal de Florencia y explora los caminos rurales de la Toscana, una de las carreteras más impresionantes del mundo, admirando bellos paisajes y lugares increíbles, incluyendo los lugares de interés turístico de la Toscana sus viñedos, monasterios, ciudades sobre las colinas, bodegas y mucho más.
Todo esto mientras conduces un coche italiano de época por las carreteras adoquinadas de la Toscana y el Chianti.

Una experiencia inolvidable que combina la diversión y degustación de vino de la Toscana

Seguramente degustará algunos de los fascinantes vinos procedentes de la campiña de Chianti, cerca de los increíbles atractivos turísticos de Florencia. Prepárate para el viaje de tu vida descubriendo un auténtico ambiente y modo de vida mientras que degustas un buen vino.
El tour de degustación de vinos de la Toscana comienza en Florencia eligiendo los coches y después partirás hacia las colinas de Chianti. Aquí, tendrás la oportunidad única de conducir un Fiat 500 de época por algunas de las carreteras más bonitas del mundo, a lo largo de parte de la carrera de coches Mille Miglia. Tendrás tiempo para detenerte en los lugares con más encanto y admirar los paisajes de la Toscana.

Prueba el vino local y conoce mejor el vino de la Toscana

A continuación vas a llegar en una magnífica villa Renacentista, donde aprenderás la antigua tradición de la elaboración del vino y aceite de oliva.
Tendrás la oportunidad única de profundizar en las bodegas medievales y disfrutarás de una fascinante sesión de degustación de vinos de Chianti junto con un almuerzo ligero a base de productos naturales de la zona. Disfruta el seductor vino de la Toscana y sumérjete en su mundo mágico.

Más eXPeriencias en Fiat 500 de época

Para una eXPeriencia más atractiva y auténtica, recomendamos el Tour exclusivo por la región del Chianti en un Fiat 500 de Época y el Tour del Chianti en un Fiat 500 de época con picnic incluido.

Reseñas de Tour del Chianti en Fiat 500 de época con Degustación de Vinos

Reviewed by Mike M from United States

Simply Superb

We did the wine tasting tour in mid-October 2014. It was hard to beat all the other stuff we did in Tuscany, but this was truly a highlight. We took the bus from Florence which was easy, cheap, and actually fun. Niccolò was our guide and provided excellent instruction on double-clutching (easy) and great directions. On our day, there were 3 couples in 3 Fiats and Niccolò leading the team on a Vespa through the hills outside of Florence. You get your own car with some vintage Italian tunes and a great ride. Upon return, you go to the winery at the same site as you start your trip. The wines were very good and accompanied by plenty of snacks (you won't go hungry). You don't have to worry about driving afterwards, because it is a 200 meter trip to the car drop off. Our trip did have 2 hiccups. First was that one couple side-swiped a parked car and dented the side of their Fiat. Niccolò was very understanding and professional in dealing with the couple. I assume the outcome was good for all. Second, we lost our camera (too much drink at the winery). After we returned to the States, we emailed the Club and they looked and found it. They then mailed it to us and wouldn't accept payment for the shipping. Simply a superb experience for us in every area. We will definitely take another of their tours when we return to Florence.
Reviewed by Zach F from

Best Tour Ever Done

My wife and I traveled from Puerto Rico to Europe on our honeymoon. We scheduled many different excursions and had no idea that this fiat tour was going to be the best thing that we would do.. Not just on the Europe trip, but in any country we have ever been to. Giuseppe was great and really did a great job with our group. You get to meet people from around the world and by the end of the tour you are enjoying a nice wine and some food together. We really have to thank this Tour Company for making our honeymoon extra special and created a lifetime memory. By the way, if you are a male you will love this, driving these little Fiats around are like driving Go Karts!
Reviewed by HolidayAnyone from United Kingdom

Hilarious way to see the Chianti countryside

This unusual, vintage tour was fantastic! We enjoyed it from the start to the finish. There were a few nerves and anxious moments at learning how to use the double clutch, but it soon became easy enough. Definitely would say you need to be an experienced manual car driver before getting behind the wheel of these vintage Cinque centos. Our tour was led by Beppe, he was very patient when teaching us about the cars and gave great knowledge and facts about the cars themselves and the chianti countryside. He made us laugh on more than one occasion! Lucky for us it did not rain as my 6 foot 2 inches boyfriend had to permanently drive with the sunroof open so his head could stick out in order to fit in the Fiat 500! Which just made the tour even funnier for me!
Reviewed by Sherri M from United States

My Husbands favorite part of our trip!

I signed my husband and I up for this tour after reading about it on Tripadvisor. It was awesome!! We had so much fun driving around Tuscany. It was so nice to get out of the city of Florence and check out the countryside. Our guide Nico made our tour so memorable. He was funny, nice, and more importantly... patient! I would definitely recommend this tour. So much fun!